Workshop on Standardisation and Conformity Assessment

German and Indian experts discussed the role of standardisation and conformity assessment at a workshop in New Delhi on 18 June 2019. As part of the event, the Global Project Quality Infrastructure (GPQI) India introduced the Indo-German Standardisation Dialogue within the Working Group on Quality Infrastructure.
The workshop started with a special address by Dr Bajaj, Deputy Director General of the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) who highlighted the relevance of standardisation especially in the field of machinery safety. The European approach to machinery safety and the contribution of technical standardisation in the European Legislation Framework was presented by Ms Denz, Board Member at the German Engineering Association (VDMA) and her colleague and technical expert, Mr Wegner.
In the subsequent panel discussion, the role of industry as a partner in the implementation of standardisation roadmaps was discussed among standardisation experts and industry representatives. The panelists acknowledged the importance of international harmonisation and agreed that Indo-German cooperation in this area is of high value for both sides. Machinery safety regulations have been implemented in Germany and the European Union for quite a long time. Hence, India can benefit from Germany’s knowledge and experience in implementing machinery safety regulations.
Furthermore, the significance of speed when it comes to defining and implementing standards was highlighted. Mr Quehenberger, Managing Director at Andritz Hydro Ltd, emphasised that harmonisation with international standards should take place as fast as possible in India to prepare the industry in advance for its implementation. All panelists agreed that a coordinated approach to standardisation, which includes both experts and the industry is crucial - particularly in innovative areas such as Industry 4.0.
The event was organised by VDMA in cooperation with the GPQI. The GPQI of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) supports Indo-German cooperation in the areas of standards, technical regulations, conformity assessment, accreditation, and market surveillance. As part of the GPQI, GIZ – the German Agency for International Cooperation – has been commissioned by BMWi to support the implementation of the project in India and ensure that industry-related concerns are taken up within the political dialogue.