Third Expert Workshop on Potentials for Mutual Recognition of Test Reports and Harmonization of Conformity Assessment Procedures between Germany and China


On 14 October 2014, the third expert workshop on Potentials on Mutual Recognition of Test Reports and Harmonization of Certification Procedures took place in Shanghai.

Picture: GPQI

On 14 October 2014, the third expert workshop on Potentials on Mutual Recognition of Test Reports and Harmonization of Certification Procedures took place in Shanghai. As in previous sessions, participants came from private and public certification bodies as well as industrial associations.


At first, the requirements for China Compulsory Certification System (CCC) were compared to those of the German “Geprüfte Sicherheit” (GS)-sign. The specific example of kettles was used to discuss the differences in the requirements and procedure in both countries.


A pilot project for mutual recognition certification e.g. for kettles between Germany and China will serve as a tool to examine fundamental aspects such as product cataloguing, approval of implementation and testing bodies, certification procedures, standards and technical requirements. For this purpose, an analysis of the legal framework and scope of test reports is also important. Both sides will now appoint expert groups to implement the pilot project.

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