Brazil: Regulatory Model Modernisation - Inmetro discusses QI in Europe and the US


Brazil's National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology (Inmetro) is organising an online seminar series to modernise its regulatory model. Experts from industry organisations and consulting firms will be able to discuss international approaches and experiences.

Brazil's National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology (Inmetro) is currently pursuing an agenda to modernise its regulatory model. To this end, Inmetro also relies on virtual exchange formats. An online seminar series will bring together experts from industry organisations and consulting firms.


The seminar series will provide an overview of the priorities in the modernisation of Inmetro's regulatory model. In addition, international approaches will be discussed - such as the European approach to conformity assessment, product safety regulation and legal metrology, or the quality infrastructure system of the United States. This approach is used in order to benefit from best practices and experiences other countries had regarding the regulation of QI. Another topic which will be addressed concerns the influence of Industry 4.0 on Inmetro's modernisation agenda.


Current challenges, such as those related to the regulatory performance, coverage and compliance will also be addressed. As these could ultimately be harmful to producers and consumers.


The events will be held in Portuguese and are scheduled as follows:


• 10/15: Modernisation of Inmetro's Regulatory Model - The European Model | 14h-15h30 (GMT-3)
Speaker: José Augusto A. K. Pinto de Abreu, Director-Partner at Sextante Consultoria

• 10/22: Modernisation of Inmetro's Regulatory Model - The US-American Model | 14h-15h30 (GMT-3)
Speaker: Roberta Telles, Senior Policy Advisor at TIC Council

• 10/27: The influence of Industry 4.0 in the modernisation of Inmetro's Regulatory Model | 9h-10h30 (GMT-3)
Speaker: TBC



Parallel to the online seminars, the Trade for Development Fund of GIZ and GPQI Brazil supports the process with thematically relevant studies. They support the content of Inmetro's modernisation.


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